Supply Chain and Logistics
Online Training and Coaching

Get a solid understanding of supply chain fundamentals in a highly accessible and affordable program.

What’s Inside

35+ years of Supply Chain and Logistics experience all packed up to just the essential things you need to know to boost your knowledge. With this step-by-step practical information, you’ll make massive savings in your business and enhance your career prospects.

Online Classes

Gives you easy-to-follow, step-by-step tips and homework. It’s good practice to understand and master the principles of each lesson before moving onto the next.


Series of books on Supply Chain and Logistics. Essential tips and insights in these supply chain books based on over 1,400 client assignments across 23 countries.


These handy guides have been prepared based on our years of experience in the Supply Chain and Logistics industry.


Each year members are invited to four exclusive webinars. These are on specialist topics with lots of opportunity for Question and Answers.

Supply Chain Secrets is Designed to

  • Help you understand the Supply Chain and Logistics jargon and concepts you come across, so you sound like an expert!
  • Give you the Supply Chain knowledge that you really need.
  • Give you the ‘right’ knowledge.
  • Boost your respect and credibility as a business person.
  • Hand you the right information, fast!
  • Provide the knowledge in Supply Chain and Logistics that will help your career and income potential.

Our Founder

Do you recognise the need for supply chain knowledge and understanding? Do you just want the ‘good stuff’ quickly so that you can start using it? Well, you’re at the right place!

I’ve put this website together to help guide you achieve one or both of these goals:

  • How to gain the right Supply Chain and Logistics knowledge to be much more valuable at work, and
  • How to focus in like a heat seeking missile on the key Supply Chain and Logistics components that make the greatest difference to a business.

Rob O’Byrne

Recent Blog Posts

Warehouse Capacity FIX – What Works

Many businesses struggle with limited warehouse space, but the answer isn’t always to move or lease additional facilities. By making a few smart adjustments, it’s possible to maximise the space you already have and extend your warehouse’s lifespan without major...

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