Supply Chain Secrets Blog
Logistics and Supply Chain news, articles, tips and insights
All about Logistics Outsourcing
One of the most common questions we get asked is all about outsourcing. What is it exactly? Watch this episode as we discuss the different situations and challenges of this business strategy. Related articles on this topic have appeared...
3PL Industry Insights
What is going on with the 3PL industry nowadays? What is the industry needs to do better? Let us hear the insights of an expert, Sarah Barnes-Humphrey. She comes from a 3PL family and she is now based in Canada. Related articles on this topic have...
Supply Chain KPIs: Why, What and How
Supply Chain KPIs is the most popular topic on our Supply Chain Blog, LinkedIn, YouTube channel and on any social media accounts, we have! So, we will share a recorded 1-hour webinar, all about Supply Chain key performance indicators. You can check it out right here:...
12 Smart Ways to Reduce Your Freight Costs
A common conundrum for companies is how to reduce their freight costs, which due to a recovery in demand following the Covid-19 pandemic have skyrocketed. Putting a lid on escalating freight costs has now become more important than ever…
A Quick Guide to Roles in Procurement
For small companies, it is usually enough to have one person dealing with procurement but in large enterprises teams of people are needed, all with specific roles to play…
Overview on Supply Chain and Logistics Benchmarking
What is Supply Chain Benchmarking? Why and how do we do it? Check out this video to find out the answers…
3 Common Inventory Management ‘Sins’—And How to Avoid Them
Three rules are really important in inventory management. If you don’t get them right, you won’t be able to do a lot of other things…
The Key Factor of Your Distribution Network
What influences your Distribution Network above all else? The last 23 years of designing and re-aligning Distribution Networks for our Consulting clients and after hundreds of Distribution Network assignments, I can say with 100% confidence, that there is ONE thing...
Improve your Warehouse Productivity Through Product Slotting
Product slotting can significantly improve warehouse productivity—and reduce labour costs by up to 30 percent. Simply put, product slotting is about putting the right product in the right place so you can pick it in the most efficient way…
Insights on Why Only Few Women are in Supply Chain with Sheri Hinish
Why are we not attracting more women into the Supply Chain profession? Why are there only about 17% of senior supply chain leaders and logistics who are female? Great questions, that we need to understand and address. Sheri Hinish is back to discuss this. ...