Supply Chain Secrets Blog

Logistics and Supply Chain news, articles, tips and insights

Is The Cloud on Your Supply Chain IT Shopping List?

Is The Cloud on Your Supply Chain IT Shopping List?

It’s that time of year again when supply chain leaders start to think about business technology and which new trends they should incorporate into supply chain IT strategy. If you’re in an IT management role, this probably means you’ll soon be called upon to put sourcing and implementation plans in place. But what technology advances do you expect your business colleagues to set their sights on for 2016?

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What’s In A Logistics Outsourcing RFP/RFT?

What’s In A Logistics Outsourcing RFP/RFT?

With logistics outsourcing playing such an important part in today’s supply chain management strategies, it’s very possible that you will be involved in an outsourcing project during your career, either on behalf of a client or a supplier. If so, it will help to be...

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