Supply Chain Secrets Blog
Logistics and Supply Chain news, articles, tips and insights

Procurement and Logistics: Is Your Company Building Bridges?
If you work in procurement, how would you rate the relationship between your function and that of logistics within your organization? If the two departments collaborate harmoniously and you can honestly say they are integrated, your company is probably in the minority...

The Role of the Human Resources Specialist in Supply Chain IT Procurement
Procuring a new technology solution is a process that requires the collaboration of multiple functional teams, whether your company is selecting a WMS, TMS, CRM or ERP solution, or any other key business software product. HR and its Place in The Procurement...

Let’s Get Real About Customer Service and Supply Chains
I was just browsing some articles about customer service in supply chain and oddly, as I looked through them, my hackles started to rise … and here’s why: Without naming names, here are a few statements that I read in some of these supposedly helpful tomes: “Improving...

Is Performance Management A Hot Potato In Your Supply Chain Company?
As I’ve mentioned before, Supply Chain Secrets is for anyone who has involvement in supply chain matters, especially those who work in support functions such as human resource management. HR of course, plays a vital role in maintaining an efficient and effective...

What’s In A Logistics Outsourcing RFP/RFT?
With logistics outsourcing playing such an important part in today’s supply chain management strategies, it’s very possible that you will be involved in an outsourcing project during your career, either on behalf of a client or a supplier. If so, it will help to be...

Using Fossil Fuels in Supply Chain: There’s Always a Consequence
During your supply chain career, there is every chance you will be involved in making decisions that impact our environment. More than likely, you will take part in some green initiatives, since it’s every responsible company’s goal to reduce environmental pressure....

4 Things A Great Supply Chain Strategist Never Neglects
What if I told you that many companies really haven’t defined a supply chain strategy? Would you be incredulous? Don’t be, because it’s true. Many companies have no properly defined supply chain strategy. Of those which do, many more have a strategy that’s less than...

Keep a Finger on the Pulse of Your Customers’ Financial Health
Supply Chain Secrets is about helping anyone who’s involved in supply chain, either directly or indirectly. With that in mind, this month’s post touches a topic in which financial managers and staff share a common interest with operators—the financial health of...

What is a Supply Chain? The Answer in a Nutshell
When you decide to set out on a supply chain career, it may not be because you’ve studied the topic thoroughly and understand the complexities or even the basics of supply chain management. For example, maybe you are interested in goods transportation and want to work...

Supply Chain Secrets – The Beginning
Nigel Lewis of Global Logistics Media recently interviewed Rob O'Byrne about the back ground of the Supply Chain Secrets book series.